Tuesday, 21 December 2021


I think I've now heard more than enough about the absurdity of 'trans'.
The human species has 2 sexes, or genders - male and female. That's it. The idea that someone can 'change sex' is ludicrous and simply trying to confuse the issue by claiming that sex and gender are different things makes no sense whatsoever.

Of course, there are a very few people who are unfortunate enough to be born with a genetic abnormality which can cause them to be 'intersex', that is, to have a mixture of both male and female sex characteristics but these people are not 'trans'. They are usually treated medically or surgically, or both, to give them the appearance and overall characteristics of one or other of the 2 human sexes.

Equally, there are people who claim to have been born in the "wrong body" and can and do undergo treatments to adopt the form of the opposite sex. Whatever these people do in terms of cosmetic alterations to their bodies and however they live their lives subsequently, they remain male or female as they were at birth and as they always will be, no matter what pieces of paper they have been issued with to say anything different.

To be clear, I have no problem with people living their lives as they wish to, so long as they don't interfere with or annoy anyone else. However, I do have a problem with these 'trans' numpties who demand all manner of special rights and privileges, deny biological facts and generally make a bloody nuisance of themselves. That major organisations, including public and private bodies, seem so keen to kowtow and accommodate their every whim actually annoys me even more than the individuals themselves as without this bonkers acceptance of lunacy the whole 'trans' issue would surely fade away.

We die as we were born, whatever clothes we wear in the years between. 'Trans' is total nonsense and it's time those in authority said so, loud and clear.

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