Wednesday, 11 December 2019


I do not hate foreigners, Jews, Muslims or even Christians. I hate no one. But I am horribly disturbed by the way in which our recent masters have kowtowed to every brand of foreigner of whatever character, religion or belief.

The most recent "terrorist" assault near London Bridge has shown just how stupid our masters are. A man who had been sentenced to 16 years imprisonment for his previous activities was released, 'in the normal way' after serving half of his sentence and promptly set about attacking, and murdering, others of him he disapproved. How on earth, how in any sensible society, could this have happened ?

We have, rightly or wrongly, done away with capital punishment but we have also introduced a regime in which offenders are looked upon as people to be rehabilitated rather than punished or separated from the rest of society. This ignores that some offenders have no interest in being rehabilitated and are simply enemies of our society.

The man who ran amok in London a few days ago, Usman Khan, was never going to be integrated into British life and yet he was deemed suitable for release from prison; why ? He was a wholly committed Islamic fanatic whose life was ended by the police on London Bridge; it should have been ended at the end of a rope or in a genuinely life long prison sentence.

But Usman Khan was only a tiny tip of one iceberg threatening our Titanic. Murder and mayhem on our streets, drugs gangs, children carrying knives to school, violent attitudes towards women, often imported from various other parts of the world, people trafficking and so-called modern slavery; all of this must be tackled far more aggressively and it is well passed time that our government acted with real effectiveness. We need a much stronger line on terrorism offences but also on these other areas of serious criminality and an end to the risible pursuit of those who cause supposed offence through misplaced words or actions, the stupidly named "hate crimes" that are largely a matter of subjective interpretation. 

Let's have our police pursuing real criminals for real offences, not imagined ones. Let's also make sure that our laws are enforceable, not largely cosmetic like the regularly ignored laws aimed at the likes of motorists and litter louts. And let's ensure that punishments fit the crimes, rather than being influenced by some misplaced liberal minded sense of moral responsibility towards the criminals. When a judge pronounces a sentence of life imprisonment, that is what it should be, not release after 8, 10, 15 or even 20 years; life should mean life. 

The victims of Joseph McCann have been given a life sentence. McCann himself has 33 life sentences imposed on him  and yet could be released from prison in 30 years, when he'll be 64, not even old enough to draw his pension. Is that justice ? Usman Khan was shot dead by police - that was justice, swift and final. We need more of it.

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