Friday, 6 December 2019


Oh God. The avuncular Jeremy and John sound so reasonable and endearing. The sad fact is that they're really more like Count Dracula than Santa Claus.

Jeremy Corbyn is a sad mouthpiece for the ultra-Marxist John McDonnell, as has been stated by a former Labour stalwart and a genuinely representative member of parliament, Kate Hoey. Of course, Hoey has fallen out of favour with her party, although she remains committed to its basic principles.

In support of the Marxist agenda of tax, tax and more tax, state ownership of everything that moves and "free" services of all sorts which actually means ever-poorer provision and an economy fit for nothing, we are offered the likes of Rebecca Long-Bailey, Emily Thornberry and Diane Abbot. If ever there was an unholy trinity, surely these three witches are contenders.

Labour's election approach is to try to buy votes with our own money. Promises of free services of all sorts, billions pumped into the NHS and other public services with no thought of looking at how money is already been wasted in many areas, higher wages and pensions for everyone except, of course, those deemed to already have too much and who will be expected to pay for the largesse spread around to the indigent. Trillions, yes TRILLIONS of pounds would be spent under a Jeremy and John government, although where all this money would come from is an unanswered question. There's actually only 2 real places it can come from - much higher taxes on all of us and vast borrowings, mostly from China which would then be pulling all of the strings and could bankrupt our nation whenever they liked.

Add to this their love of a nasty assortment of ultra-left wing leaders - Cuba, Venezuela, China, various African nations - supporting terrorist organisations such as the IRA and Hamas, and the general nastiness of the party's attitude towards Jews and anyone else of whom they disapprove, especially the hated "Tories", a word usually spat out with such venom as to make it sound more offensive than almost any other, and you have a picture that should cause even the most stout hearted to shudder.

God help us if Jeremy and John, Rebecca, Emily, Diane and the rest of this rabble ever gain power.

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