Thursday, 14 February 2019


Four years ago, 3 young British women made a choice to leave Britain to join up with the Islamic terrorist group usually known as IS. Now, with IS having failed in their attempt to create a puritanical Islamic Caliphate, one of them wants to come 'home'. 

Shamima Begum travelled to Syria in 2015 and married one of the terrorists. Since then, she's apparently had 2 pregnancies, both babies having died, and is now close to producing a third baby; she says that her husband was been taken away by Syrian soldiers a couple of weeks ago and she hasn't seen him since; one assumes that he's probably been killed.

The usual 'bleeding hearts' have popped up to tell us that we should help this woman, mainly because she was 'only 15' when she effectively renounced her British citizenship and went off to join a bunch of terrorists; they argue that she must have been groomed and she didn't really know what she was doing (perhaps the same people who claim that those who voted to leave the EU didn't know what they were doing ?) These 'bleeding hearts' appear to be less concerned for the safety of law abiding British citizens than for the welfare of an unreformed Islamic fanatic.

Shamima Begum has said that she wasn't 'fazed' by seeing a decapitated head dumped in a bin and has had a 'normal' life while living in the midst of a war zone. She has expressed no regret for her decision to leave the UK to join the terrorist group, but now says she wants to return 'home' for the sake of her unborn child. In other words, she wants the country she abandoned for a life of terrorism to take her back simply because it suits her current situation.

Thankfully, it's unlikely that her wish will be granted any time soon. There are no British consular services in the area in which she is now living and so contact with British authorities won't happen unless she can get herself moved to a less dangerous place, which won't be easy. Even then, her story is not one that makes her a case for very much sympathy, except for the 'bleeding hearts' who see nothing but a need to 'help' everyone who asks. This woman has not changed her mind about IS or Islamic terrorism after a few weeks, or months, she's actually lived with it for 4 years and expresses no regrets about being involved in some of the most gruesome acts carried out by anyone in recent years. All she wants is what far too many younger people seem to want, that is, for the world to do their bidding regardless of whatever they've done for themselves.

This woman made her home with IS and has lived with terrorists for 4 years. She married one and is on the point of producing his third child. She has no regrets for her actions or those of the fanatics around her. Originally 'groomed' or not, this woman is now an enemy of the United Kingdom and of the civilised world. If we have to take her back, it should be for a lifetime in prison; preferably, we leave her where she is, to rot with the corpses of her fellows.

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