Wednesday, 20 February 2019


I am sick to death of hearing nonsensical tripe from the so-called 'gay community', 'trans community', 'lgbt community' or any other community which tries to impose its insane notions on the bulk of normal society.

Former tennis champion Martina Navratilova has found herself pilloried for making her views about 'trans gender athletes' known. She believes that it is unfair for people who were born male but have chosen to undergo 'gender reassignment' to compete with people who were born female. She says that those who were born male have inherent physical advantages which render them able to outperform biological females not because they are better athletes but because they are, effectively, males competing against females.

Navratilova is a lesbian but she was undeniably born female. She has a female body shape as anyone who remembers her early days on the tennis courts will know, even if she later developed a more muscular approach to playing than was common at the time. Importantly, she is not a white, heterosexual male sounding off against some 'monstrous regiment', but she has, nonetheless, been subjected to loud complaints from those whom she is deemed to have offended. Apparently, one is not allowed to say the things she has said, nor hold such views.

At the same time, the South African athlete Caster Semenya, also a lesbian, is involved in an argument about women who have unnaturally high levels of the male hormone testosterone. Testosterone is what makes men men; it is responsible for the development of male characteristics such as muscle bulk, strength and stamina. Any woman whose level of testosterone is above normal levels mat well have a serious physical advantage over other women and allow them to perform significantly better in athletic activities.

Semenya is one such person. Standing alongside other female athletes, she is far bigger and more muscular than her fellow competitors. Although he has been the subject of scrutiny and a test to determine whether or not she is biologically female, the results of such scrutiny have not been released. It has been suggested that Semenya is actually somewhere between being male and female - intersex - but this is speculation. What does seem to have been determined is that she does have a significantly higher level of testosterone than is normal. The IAAF has now introduced rules, which Semenya is challenging, designed to remove the advantage which high levels of testosterone give to a female athlete. Many in the 'lgbt' community, plus many of liberal-left elite, claim that this is wrong and their voices are resonating around the athletics world.

Another case involves the 'trans-gender cyclist, Rachel McKinnon, who was born male but has now 'become' female. Again, standing alongside other competitors, those whom she beat, McKinnon is massively bigger; if a casual observer didn't know better, they'd almost certainly think she was a man. One of those she beat later made comments which brought a storm of protest from McKinnon and her supporters, effectively rendering the commentator as the villain. How dare she complain ! McKinnon is female because she says she is and whatever advantages she has due to her previous existence as a man are irrelevant. Really ? 

Why are Navratilova and those who agree with her condemned for speaking their minds when those on the other side of the argument seem to be greeted with sympathy and support ? Why do we hear so much about the 'rights' of 'trans-gender' and other 'lgbt' individuals and yet so little about the illogicality of it all ? 

Some might say that the world has gone mad.

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