So Labour now want to have another referendum in which the alternatives will be Labour's Deal or Remain; that these options effectively amount to the same thing is ignored. That the referendum of 2016 produced a result of Leave, is ignored. That the Labour Party's manifesto in 2017 included promises to abide by the referendum result and not to seek another referendum is ignored.
As FREEDOM DAY, 29th March 2019, approaches, those who want us to remain locked into the stultifying bureaucracy of the European Union for ever are growing ever more desperate. Cabinet Ministers have openly challenged the Prime Minister's approach and policy; MP's increasingly demand that No Deal, the PM's only real bargaining chip, is ruled out as a possibility. Extending the lifetime of the Article 50 vote, effectively stopping Brexit, is now a distinct possibility.
So many politicians are dancing on so many pin heads that it's impossible to keep track. The one thing that is clear is that the establishment, the Liberal Elite, will do anything in its frantic attempt to keep the United Kingdom within the moribund and corrupt confines of the European Union, whatever the people actually want. Why ? Because this is what suits THEM best, this is what allows them to swan around Europe and the rest of the world enjoying all the perks that come with international gatherings, paid for by us the taxpayers, and, ultimately, it's another avenue for gaining political office or patronage once their careers in the UK are over.
Yes, leaving the EU may cause a few hiccups, leaving without a deal may be a bit bumpy, but staying in is not on the table; it was ruled out by the people in 2016. For Labour now to want make staying in an option in another referendum is nothing short of a criminal assault on our democracy, or what's left of it. That they have the most incompetent leader seen in British politics since the Ice Age is no excuse. Sadly, the Conservatives have the second least competent leader seen over that period, meaning that we have no leadership in Parliament, just a bunch of squabbling, egotistical and self-serving crooks.
If Brexit is delayed for anything other than a few more days to allow for the implementation of an agreed plan, it will be the end of our democracy. I will never vote in any election again unless it's for a party dedicated to get our poor country out of the EU; I will never vote in a referendum unless it's one in which I can say a resounding NO! to Europe, yet again. What would be the point of voting for anything else ? Whatever we, the electorate, vote for, those who nominally represent us take no notice unless it accords with their own wishes and desires.
So to Hell with the lot of them.