Monday, 8 October 2018


Nicola Sturgeon really is an annoying little troll. The grandly titled Scottish 'First Minister' is so fanatical about the notion of independence for her territory that she bangs on about it at every opportunity.

With the SNP's annual conference getting underway, Sturgeon has appeared on both radio and television telling us, again and again, that Scotland voted to stay in the European Union and that her mob would back a second referendum on the subject. She also appears to be hell bent on using Brexit as a springboard for holding another referendum on Scottish independence as soon as possible, notwithstanding that the referendum in 2014 was trumpeted as being a "once in a generation opportunity". Of course, as with the EU referendum, those who got the 'wrong' result, that is the result they didn't want, are now dead set on holding another one in an attempt to get the 'right' result.

Sturgeon insists on behaving as though Scotland is an independent entity, rather than being part of the United Kingdom; the UK is a sovereign nation, Scotland is not. The UK has a seat at the United Nations, Scotland does not; neither, for that matter, do Wales, London, Cornwall or any other constituent part of the UK. The United Kingdom held a referendum and the decision of the majority was to leave the European Union; it matters not one jot that this area or that county had a majority in the opposite direction. When Scotland held its independence referendum in 2014, was there interminable chatter about which areas voted to stay in the UK against which wanted independence ? Indeed, was there a clamour from the people of Glasgow, Dundee, North Lanarkshire and West Dunbartonshire demanding that, as they'd voted for independence, they should now be allowed to go their own way ? Of course not.

Sturgeon's notion of democracy is whatever she wants it to be at any particular time. Rather than accept the will of the people of her country, the United Kingdom, Sturgeon wants to break up that union for her own antiquated concept of sovereignty which, by the way, then leads to her taking her newly independent Scotland back into the European Union, a move which would result in far less autonomy than Scotland now enjoys under the United Kingdom. Enforced use of the Euro as its currency and total control of its finances by the EU, with only a very small voice in the Union's debating chambers. Given the current fuss being made about the Irish border, the little matter of the border that would then be created between Scotland and England, and the sea crossing from Stranraer to Larne and Belfast, would keep the EU's negotiators scratching their heads for decades. Clearly, Hadrian's Wall would have to be restored, and there'd be a floating border in the North Channel - wonderful.

Rather than supporting her Prime Minister through difficult negotiations with European bureaucrats, Sturgeon plays the part of a termagant, doing her best to stir up trouble and to use the situation against her own country and for her own narrow political objectives.  

People should see her for the troublemaking political opportunist - dare I say traitor ? - that she really is.

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