Thursday, 11 October 2018


I'm fairly sure that people who voted Conservative in the last election expected to get a Conservative Prime Minister but it seems that what they've got in Theresa May is a just another wishy-washy Liberal.

It's reported that Mrs May has launched a consultation on whether mandatory reporting will help to address a claimed disparity between the pay and career prospects of minority groups in our society, presumably when compared to their majority white Anglo-Saxon colleagues. This is a follow-on to the decision to make it mandatory for companies to 'reveal' their so-called gender pay gap, although when people can now 'self-identify' their gender regardless of actuality, one wonders how much use such knowledge will be.

This latest, and ludicrous, idea is so fraught with obstacles as to render it impossible to implement. In the first instance, what counts as an "ethnic minority" ? Will rules be introduced to define an "ethnic minority" in terms of numbers, colour or place of origin ? What if I look "white Anglo-Saxon" but have a "minority ethnic" name ? What if I'm only part "minority ethnic", say a half, quarter or eighth ? Given that most, if not all of the white population have some "minority ethnic" blood in our ancestry, can we not all claim to be "minority ethnic" to some degree ? 

Of my great grandparents, 2 were Swiss, 2 German, 3 were Irish and 1 was English - do I count as being a member of an "ethnic minority" ? I can be reasonably sure that that there aren't too many around who can claim a similar heritage and that, surely, makes me part of a minority. Should I make a claim for discrimination ?

In my working life I had colleagues of all sorts. Men, women, black, brown, yellow and white; there were some who had freckles, some were balding and some were disabled, Some were young and some were old; there were English, Irish, Scots and Welsh, Indians, Pakistanis, Chinese, Polish, West Indian, Nigerian and Iranian, and that's only what I can immediately recall. There were Christians, Jews, Hindus, Muslims and more than a few atheists, but we all rubbed along pretty well and there was no hint of any discrimination other than on the grounds of work performance.

If Mrs May's idiotic liberal-socialist  ideas take hold, what comes next ? Companies having to report on the pay gap between members of different religions, or of different 'sexual orientations' ? Perhaps the gap between those who went to state schools versus those who went to the local comprehensive, or those who attended nurseries or play groups compared with those who did not ? Maybe we could look at the comparative pay of those whose parents were married and those whose parents were not, those whose parents were in politics and those whose were not.

The almost endless opportunities for dividing our society up into smaller and smaller 'minorities' is mind boggling and utterly pointless. Perhaps that's why our political masters love doing it; it makes it look as though they care when, in reality, it's just about appearing to do important things and gaining votes.

Let's hope that this latest daft nonsense never sees the light of day. Given that Mrs May could well be gone within 6 months, that could well be the case.

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