Tuesday, 25 September 2018


Now we know.

Announcements from assorted senior representatives of the labour Party over the last couple of days have confirmed that, if elected to government, Labour would take our country back to the dark days of the 19660s and 1970s. In addition, they also seem to be joining in with the demand for a second referendum on the subject of Brexit, presumably with the expectation that it would reverse the original democratically obtained view of the electorate.

It appears that Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party, more properly now seen as a Marxist-Leninist cabal, would set out to destroy our economy with attacks on business and anyone deemed to be 'wealthy'.  Handing out shares to company employees may be a laudable move, but requiring all companies to have a third of its Board members drawn from the workforce is not; neither is stealing 10% of larger company's share capital in order to expropriate vast sums in dividend payments. In truth, it wouldn't really be members of the workforce who were so elevated, it would be trades union representatives whose interests would be unlikely to coincide with those of either investors or the companies concerned. Their demands would be for higher wages, shorter working weeks, longer holidays and more time off for a variety of social reasons - maternity, paternity, bereavement, moving home and heaven alone knows what else. All of this while also opposing mechanisation, automation and job losses. The result would be lower productivity, declining profits and poorer companies, leading to less investment, falling share prices and, ultimately, poorer returns for pension funds and poorer pensioners. Companies would flee from the UK in droves and it wouldn't be long before the pound sank to levels never previously seen, tax revenues would decline dramatically, state borrowing would rise in equal measure, and Britain would be bankrupt. Anyone who doesn't believe this scenario need only look at the unholy mess created by the Labour governments of the 60s and 70s which ended with Denis Healey taking a begging bowl to the IMF while refuse piled up on our streets and bodies remained unburied.

In addition, Labour is promising to nationalize anything that moves, from railways to water; helpfully, this will, apparently, be possible without incurring any costs, meaning that the current owners may well be left somewhat out of pocket. They will also take back central control of our schools system, presumably in order to assist their pursuit of equality by further 'dumbing down' of the syllabus and exams; no child will be allowed to leave school without a mandatory 9 A* grades.

Labour will make sure that all of the trains run on time, probably by employing hordes of workers to adjust station clocks as necessary. Everyone will be absolutely equal whether male, female or intersex, homo-, hetero-, bi- or any other sexual, black, white, yellow, green, ginger, abled or disabled, always remembering that such equality will not apply to conservatives, liberals, the wealthy, tax dodgers, the academically bright, anyone who went to grammar school or is heard to criticize the government. We will all be free to do whatever we like as long as we have a permit for it.

This will be a Socialist Utopia in which some are more equal than others. and anything that the government says will mean whatever the government says it means. Whoopee !!

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