Thursday, 9 August 2018


Boris Johnson is being condemned for making a few quite harmless remarks about women who wear burkas. His suggestion that they look somewhat like letterboxes is surely correct and mildly humorous; that they could be mistaken for bank robbers is less likely but equally harmless. Nonetheless, the forces of liberal egalitarianism have rounded on him.

One wonders, if Johnson's comments can be construed as being so offensive and deserving of the most severe censure, what we should make of the far more offensive treatment meted out to President Trump during his recent visit to the UK or, indeed, to the streams of pretty offensive cartoon depictions of politicians such as Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn or Boris himself. Why is it considered perfectly alright to ridicule and lampoon people such as these, often in ways which are highly offensive, but wrong, even criminally so, to make what were, after all, a few passing remarks about others which are a reflection of reality ?

If I pass a one-legged man in the street and comment that he looks like 'Long John Silver', is that offensive ? Should I be made to apologise or even be arrested ? If I'm heard to remark that someone 'of colour' with shocking table manners is eating 'like a pig', will I be charged with some sort of 'hate crime' ?   

The firestorm that's being stirred up over Boris Johnson's comments is a fine example of the way in which our society is being subverted. Imaginary crimes involving 'offence' or 'hate' have been invented for no good reason other than to curtail free speech and, even, freedom of thought. Crimes are deemed to have been committed not because any offence has been proven but because supposed victims says they have. This isn't the application of justice, it's tyranny.

Undoubtedly some words or actions may be considered to be offensive but can simply using words which some dislike ever be considered criminal ? Boris Johnson did no more than voice views which are shared by millions of his fellow citizens; that some found his words 'offensive' is no reason for him to withdraw them or to apologise. If people don't want to be singled out for comment, they shouldn't draw attention to themselves.

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