Friday, 26 January 2018


Listening to John McDonnell on the radio this morning sent shivers down my spine.

As Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, McDonnell is attending the meeting of the pompously named ‘World Economic Forum’ in the exclusive Swiss resort of Davos, along with an assortment of other people who consider themselves part of the world’s elite. Supposedly, there is much discussion about matters of great importance, though I suspect it is the opportunity to enjoy the very best accommodation and food that the world can offer, and to be seen hob-nobbing with their peers, that is the real attraction for most.

Today, McDonnell wittered on about his party ‘preparing for government’ which is a horrifying prospect. As committed Marxists, McDonnell and his pal Jeremy Corbyn would raise taxes and borrowing to terrifying levels in order to pursue their entirely outdated and discredited socialist economic model. The election of a Labour government run by these two would ultimately result in a huge increase in government borrowing, a collapse in the value of the pound and the stock market and virtual economic annihilation of a type experienced in the past only by those unfortunate enough to have lived in the command economies of Russia, China and other Communist states. It would be a catastrophe from which it would take decades, even generations, to recover.

Many have made similar claims about the consequences of the UK’s exit from the European Union, although these were based on entirely imaginary and politically driven scenarios; the consequences of a Corbyn - McDonnell government are not imaginary as we know from their own statements what economic policies they would pursue. They have made it clear that they would commit vast amounts of money, OUR money, to all manner of socialist schemes and that they would hugely increase the involvement of the state in the everyday lives of every one of us.

Be under no illusion and don’t be conned by the promises of a glorious tomorrow. It would be anything but.

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