I have never had much time for former Labour MP Tessa Jowell but I was genuinely moved by her interview with Nick Robinson on the 'Today' programme this morning.
Baroness Jowell, for she is now a member of the House of Lords, was diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer, glioblastoma, in May 2017 and her subsequent life expectancy is limited. In this morning's interview she spoke openly and candidly about her condition although she clearly had some difficulty in getting her words out. Her interviewer has also had his own recent brush with cancer and showed great sensitivity in his questioning. It was a fine piece of broadcasting and a credit to both parties, in particular to Baroness Jowell who demonstrated considerable strength and fortitude in the face of great adversity.
As it happens, I had lunch yesterday with a long-time friend who has lived with her own brain tumours for some 12 years. When initially diagnosed, my friend was only 38 and was told that she could expect only 3 - 5 years more; last week she celebrated her 50th birthday and continues to defy doctors' predictions of her future prospects. A positive outlook and determination to live as normal a life as possible, despite some serious bad times and the effects of long-term medication, have undoubtedly contributed to her survival. She has done her best to help others in a similar situation by being a leading member of a support group, almost from its foundation, and has been a figure of strength and a fine example to fellow sufferers..
Baroness Jowell is a lady of great determination and will undoubtedly face this challenge with the same fortitude as has my friend; from her interview, it was clear that she will also do her best to use her position to do whatever she can in support of other brain cancer sufferers, which must be applauded. One can only wish her well and hope that she enjoys the same long-term survival as has my friend.
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