Thursday, 15 June 2017


Tim Farron's resignation from the leadership of the Liberal Democrat's brings to the fore the intolerant nature of our overly politically correct society.

As a committed and practising Christian, Farron has certain views, notably regarding homosexuality and so-called 'gay marriage'. In keeping with traditional biblical teaching, he considers homosexual acts to be a sin and believes that marriage is between a man and a woman, not two men or two women.

These are his personal views and, in a free society, must surely be of no concern to others. He does not shout these views in a rabble rousing manner from the rooftops, nor does he advocate any marches, campaigns or other activity directed against the objects of his views, and yet he is vilified.

Those who support the 'rights' of homosexual men, lesbians and others, regularly do shout their message from the rooftops. Even though they are a tiny minority of the population, indeed small enough to render their proclivities abnormal in any lexicographical meaning of the word, their voices can be heard loud and clear everywhere. They demand equality and assorted rights while aggressively
attempting to deny the same to the bulk of the population.

Homosexuality isn't 'wrong', though it is practised by only a small minority of the population and may even be abhorrent to some who certainly have the right to express a view that it is; 'gay marriage' is nonsensical and to be opposed to it is simply a logical position to adopt. However, in a world drenched in 'political correctness' it has become unacceptable to express such views, almost now to the point at which such expression may be considered a criminal offence. It is certainly an 'offence' which disqualifies candidates from all manor of positions both in the public and private spheres, and Farron is simply the latest victim of this egregious bullying by a vociferous minority.

It is wrong to discriminate against someone because of their colour, religion, sexual orientation or anything else of a purely personal nature. However, it is also wrong to impose views on others and, in effect, to discriminate against them simply because they don't agree with the current 'politically correct' view of the world; worse, it is bordering on evil to disseminate a particular point of view in such a way as to make any other point of view unacceptable.

Saying that 'gay marriage' is wrong or that homosexual acts are a 'sin', are points of view that should be respected, not suppressed. Sadly 'political correctness' does not allow contrary views to be respected, only shouted down.

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