The jolly old BBC is, theoretically at least, a non-commercial broadcaster. It can, of course, sell its programmes but it can't broadcast advertisements. HA, HA, HA !!
Every week, a huge chunk of its output is dedicated to advertising. Radio programmes such as 'Start the Week', 'Mid-Week' and 'Week Ending' do nothing but advertise and so do many others on both radio and television. Guests appear for interview and almost invariably they are publicising their latest book, film, TV programme, song, album, tour, art show, charity or cause. These people usually appear on several programmes over a few days, doing the rounds to ensure maximum coverage. On some days, one can hear them on the 'Today' programme on the radio and, a few minutes later, see them on 'Breakfast' on BBC 1.
It is blatant advertising and is a clear contravention of the BBC's charter and yet no one seems to notice or bother to do anything about it. Presumably the agents of the advertisers simply hawk their charges around the various channels and, not forgetting that the subjects of the associated publicity are often media types themselves, the Beeb's programme makers welcome them with open arms.
Frankly, the whole nonsense makes me want to vomit. More often than not, whatever is being promoted is rubbish or, at least, of little interest to most listeners but we have to put up with it anyway. Some unknown author or songster prattles on about their childhood and how it made them the person they are and how it's all reflected in their books, plays or songs - what a load of tripe.
Isn't it about time that the government accepted reality, abolished the licence fee and let the BBC compete properly in the market without the public being forced to pay for this type of drivel and covert advertising ?
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