Saturday, 2 February 2013


Watching a recent television programme about winter viruses makes me wonder just how stupid many of our supposedly brilliant doctors and medical researchers actually are.
The programme looked at infections such s the common cold, influenza and norovirus and asked why these are so prevalent and how we can control them. Experts showed how far viruses can spread when we cough, sneeze and vomit; they showed how easily a single child can spread an infection simply by moving around a room in ordinary activity.
What they did not discuss was the extent to which viruses live in an ecosystem, exactly as do other organisms. That ecosystem is stable as long as there are no external influences; sadly, human beings are just the wrong sort of external influence. Humans, in their infinite wisdom have been busily finding ways of killing, or at least reducing the affect of, lots of viruses; is it not to be expected that other viruses, or bacteria or even fungi, might take advantage of the void thus created ?
Scientists talked with enthusiasm about their apparently enlightening statistics, showing where and when infections had occurred and who had been infected. They were clearly excited by their research and yet all they had was numbers. They had no understanding or solutions. None of them seemed to consider the possibility that the recent spread of previously unknown, or harmless, viruses might be a result of the continuing attack by humans upon a whole range of viruses and bacteria.
Medical and biomedical scientists are, without doubt, the greatest danger facing the human race. Global warming and the threat of nuclear catastrophe pale into insignificance beside the shocking arrogance of these scientific experts who merrily coerce us to seek immunization against anything and everything while totally ignoring the one really important fact - that nature abhors a vacuum. What this means is that every rime we eliminate one threat another will take its place. Why can't they see this ? Do they see it but ignore it ? Is this just another case of government controlled bodies keeping the real facts from us ?
Today's children seem to suffer from diseases and conditions that were all but unknown when I was a child; this wasn't because they didn't exist, it was because we suffered from other things and, perhaps, gained immunity to some through our greater freedom to be 'dirty'. What I believe is that the effective elimination of diseases such as smallpox, polio and diphtheria from the calendar and the introduction of mass-immunisation programmes against many others, has simply opened up the way for other nasty bugs to move in. Thus we have newer and nastier strains of influenza, we have norovirus and we also have AIDS.
This seems to me to be so obvious and yet no one else seems to see it. As a former biochemist, I really do say 'Beware all doctors and their pals - they don't know as much as they pretend'.

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