Tuesday, 5 February 2013


Listening to the likes of Polly Toynbee is almost always a trial; hearing her utterly illogical support for the lunacy of 'Gay Marriage' is also a lesson in Orwellian gobblydegook.
On today's 'Daily Politics' the ultra left winger was, yet again, the 'guest of the day', being asked to pontificate on all manner of subjects of which she probably has no real understanding. Given that the House of Commons are due to vote later on the 'Gay Marriage' issue, this was a subject that was discussed and on which Toynbee gave her expert opinion : "most of the people aren't bothered by the issue, most actually support the proposal and they're all really confused as to why politicians are making such a fuss about it".
This is, of course, the typical view expressed by socialists when trying to curtail proper debate on any issue. The nebulous reference to 'most people' belies the true facts - there is a relatively small bias in favour of 'Gay Marriage' according to certain opinion polls, but we all know how wrong such polls can be. Certain sections of society, notably older people and many who hold religious beliefs, are quite strongly opposed to the plan. Toynbee's sweeping dismissal of such people is, again, typical of left wingers who simply want to impose their 'forward thinking' views on everyone else.
If the subject under discussion had been membership of the European Union or restoration of the death penalty, I'm pretty sure that Toynbee would have dismissed the results of opinion polls as irrelevant; she would have claimed that the people simply didn't understand the issues and that it was 'right' for her contrary views to prevail. Such is the way that left wing politics works.
'Gay Marriage' is an oxymoron. It is also of so little importance that one has to wonder why the Government, or more specifically David Cameroon, is insisting on wasting so much time on it when the country is faced with an ever-worsening financial crisis. One might, perhaps, come to the conclusion that while we're all arguing about the rights and wrongs of 2 men, 2 women or a mule and donkey getting married, we're not paying much attention to the other, and much greater, problems that surround us. Such is all politics.

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