Friday, 10 February 2012


Has anyone thought about what will happen once the Bank of England gets around to withdrawing the vast amounts of wholly unsupported money that it's printed in support of its programme of 'Quantitative Easing' ?

In days gone by, good old sterling was supported by gold; the currency in circulation was backed by Government reserves of this precious metal, meaning that the currency had a real convertible value.

Today, the currency has no intrinsic value. A pound is worth no more than what it can buy in the shops, and that is a rapidly decreasing amount as inflation has taken hold. As the Bank of England prints ever greater amounts of paper money, the value of what is already in circulation inevitably falls; in due course, either inflation will rise dramatically or the Bank will have to withdraw its cash injection causing a reduction in economic growth. Whichever happens, the people and the country will be worse off, an inevitable consequence of decades of over-indulgence and bad government.

Of course, no one in a position of real authority dare say any of this foir fear of rejection at the next election or loss of their well paid job. Regardless, it's true.

I won't vote for any of these imbeciles, Labour, Liberal or Conservative. They're all as bad as each other with nothing in mind other than their own careers. Many, unfortunately, will and another bunch of cretins will be given 'carte blanche' to further ruin our lives.

It truly is time for revolution.

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