I read that John Prescott wants to be one of these new 'Police Commissioners' that we seem to be doomed to have foisted on us whether we like it or not.
Firstly, why do we need yet another load of overpaid bureaucrats who will, no doubt, want an army of supporting staff as well ?
Secondly, how in god's name is a pratt like Prescott qualified to fill such a role ? Whatever his supposed credentials, this man was a disaster as a politician and a laughing stock as a deputy Prime Minister; the only reason he gained this last post was as a sop to the Trade Unions in order to gain support for Blair and his mob of self-serving gits.
The simple fact that Prescott is apparently putting himself forward as a potential candidate for a Police Commissioner post demonstrates just how ridiculous this latest piece of bureaucracy is. Ex-MP, aged 70+ moves on firstly to the House of Lords and then to yet another publicly funded non-job, all while receiving a vast pension for his previous questionable service in the House of Commons.
Get real, for God's sake. If we must have these Commissioners, at least make them posts for people who are a) apolitical and b) know something about policing. What we don't want is these posts going to a plethora of failed, useless or ex-politicians.
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