Friday, 6 May 2011


Lady Justice Hallett has finally delivered her verdict on the inquest into the deaths of the victims of the London bombings in July 2005.

Shock, horror ! She decided that the victims were unlawfully killed; she further decided that the bombers were responsible. Finally, she decided that assorted public services - Police, Fire, Ambulance and MI5 - could all have done better.

Today, we've been treated to various press statements and conferences, with relatives of the victims assuming an importance that they don't have, courtesy of the media who love wallowing in this type of story. Everyone is looking to spread the 'blame' to anyone they can find, and the various emergency services are first in the firing line, closely followed by the security service. One woman talked in a way that suggested this was no more than an initial skirmish in a much longer battle.

This all makes me feel somewhat nauseous. Of course, if resources were unlimited, everyone could do everything, but that isn't the case. Of course, if MI5 had arrested the bombers weeks, months or years before, the bombings may have been prevented. Of course, if .......................... etc.

Resources are not unlimited. We are not a police state in which the security service can round up anyone it pleases without any real evidence of wrongdoing. More importantly, absolute safety can never be guaranteed by anyone, anywhere. What is wrong with the people who seem to think otherwise ? Of course, the events of 7th July 2005 were horrendous; of course, I sympathise with those who were involved in the atrocities and with the families of those who died but we are in serious danger of turning these events towards some form of totally unjustified witch hunt.

A vast amount of time and effort, not to mention money, has already been expended on this issue and to little real effect. It is time to call a halt and to stop looking for further scapegoats.

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