Wednesday, 25 May 2011


I have just read with some astonishment that the Danish government has banned the sale of 'Marmite'. Reading further, I see that this is not the only foodstuff to have been banned in that country.

I'm sure there are many who, like me, find 'Marmite' to be utterly disgusting and will rejoice at the product's demise, albeit in only one pretty insignificant nation. However, the list of other banned substances, and the reasoning behind the bans, leaves me bewildered; the Australian counterpart to 'Marmite', 'Vegemite', 'Ovaltine', 'Horlicks', 'Farley's Rusks', 'Rice Krispies' and 'Shreddies' plus who knows what other harmless products. The Danish food Gestapo apparently dislikes foodstuffs that have added vitamins or minerals and Danish food safety laws require such items to be banned from sale unless specific approval is given; all of these products have fallen foul of this lunacy.

It would seem that either the Danes know something about food safety that has so far escaped the rest of the world, or that they're a nation terrified of its own shadow. Given the list of banned products, I know which I suspect it is. 

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