Monday, 7 February 2022


I find myself wondering exactly what has happened in the world over the last few years. Instead of a world in which reason took centre stage, we find ourselves in one in which all reason seems to have been thrown out.

Dissent from any supposedly established view is not longer allowed and even discussion is shut down. Anyone who dares to say anything about the genocide perpetrated by the NAZI regime in Germany is labelled a "Holocaust-denier", called antisemitic or even labelled a NAZI themselves. Anyone who questions the established view on climate change is instantly called a "climate change denier", and all discussion is  virtually outlawed. Anyone who dares to try to start a discussion about the latest load of nonsense, gender identity, is labelled as a sexist, misogynist, transphobe, 'terf' and worse. Effectively, only one point of view is allowed, that being the view vigorously promoted by a handful of lunatic 'activists'.

What is going on ? Is it really the case that there is no alternative to the heavily publicised ideology of climate change and the 'Green' agenda ? I think not. There are undoubtedly alternative views but we are not allowed to hear about them, the government and media being united in their adherence to the supposedly unquestionable certainty of their position. That the 'Green' agenda has left our country dependent on imports of vast amounts of energy is ignored, as is the unimaginable cost of changing to all renewable energy sources within a couple of decades. 

When it comes to the matter of so-called gender identity, even our universities and major corporations have joined in with the lunacy. That the very idea of biological sex being sidelined has been accepted is insane; that anyone who wants to be seen as something that they are patently not, is accepted is even worse. I don't care what people do as long as it doesn't affect me and they don't try to impose their views on me, but I draw the line at the utter nonsense of 'trans' people being accorded the rights of whatever sex they decide to claim to be. We are being bombarded with the most ludicrous range of 'identities', people claiming to be not just homosexual or lesbian, but now we have bisexual, pansexual, non-binary, trans and heaven knows what else, and organisations such as the egregious Stonewall, promote all this rubbish as if it's all normal. I have news for them - it isn't. That some of our schools are promoting this tripe to our children is terrifying, and for universities and others to ban discussion and even refuse to allow people with alternative views to appear on their campuses is obscene, particularly when, at the same time, they happily accept huge financial support from the grotesque and tyrannical government of China.

Why do so few stand up against this tripe ? Men are Men and Women are Women; yes, there are a very few people who are born with indeterminate sex due to genetic abnormalities but these are not even included in the discussion. What we have is the introduction of a laughable redefinition of 'gender' to allow for anyone to claim to be whatever sex they like and to demand to be treated as if they'd been born with that sex. Reality check - NOTHING can change a biological man into a woman or vice versa. Appearance can be changed, even physical attributes can be changed cosmetically but the underlying body remains as it was born. 'Trans', as it's promoted, is the invention of a tiny minority of anarchists who simply want to destroy the basis of our society. 

Of course, all of this goes much further. We are being increasingly beset with rules, regulations and even laws which limit and criminalise our right to free speech. How can 'hate crimes' really be assessed ? What on earth is going on when anyone can claim to be a victim and their assailant is automatically deemed to be guilty ? How can simply expressing a view render someone potentially guilty of an offence ? This is the beginnings of an authoritarian police state akin to that of George Orwell's "1984".

Why is no one in government fighting against this ? Why are our schools, colleges, universities, public services and major corporations kowtowing and even providing their staff with badges showing their 'preferred pronouns' ? That this is all quite frightening is obvious and yet no one in authority seems to either care or want to do anything about it. 

God help us.

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