Sunday, 23 May 2021


A self proclaimed 'Eurovision expert', interviewed on television a couple of days ago, said that she believed the UK's entry in the latest Eurovision Song Contest was the best we had managed for a number of years. While she didn't go so far as to claim that it might win, she was quite positive about its prospects.

Sadly, she was utterly wrong.

The dirge churned out by one James Newman was, frankly, awful. I haven't watched the show for several decades but I have listened to the Newman effort and I'm not even sure that awful is quite strong enough. The guy can't really sing, his presentation was terrible and the set surrounding him was indescribable. 'Nul Points' was probably more than it deserved.

The only questions that arise after this latest national humiliation are 1) why do we bother entering at all ? and 2) if we must enter, why can't we come up with a decent song ? In the distant past, we actually did have some good entries but recent years seem to have produced a succession of what might be termed 'turkeys'. 

One wonders how much the BBC pays into the Eurovision pot in order to have the 'privilege' of putting this tripe onto our screens. How ever much, it's too much. 

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