Wednesday, 10 March 2021


Piers Morgan's outburst on television yesterday morning was undoubtedly wrong, but surely not because of its content but simply because it was inappropriate for a television presenter to express his personal views in such a manner. 

When Naga Munchetty made her personal views about US President Donal Trump known in similarly inappropriate fashion, she was initially told off by her bosses who then caved in after being criticised by other coloured 'celebrities' and cleared Munchetty of any wrong-doing. 

Piers Morgan has been forced to resign following his remarks and has been the subject of huge criticism from the coloured hordes - his effective sacking will not be reversed. Where is the equality in this ?

The difference between these two events seems to be that Munchetty was criticising a white man for his supposed racist attitudes while Morgan was taking issue with the wholly unsubstantiated claims that a coloured woman was making against the Royal Family.

Morgan clearly has no time for Meghan Markle, aka the Duchess of Sussex, who appears to be a woman on a mission, that mission being to enrich herself in any way that she can. Unsubstantiated claims of racism, damaged mental health, lack of support and so on, as well as a wholly untrue claim about her son being refused a title, have been lapped up by some as if they were the Word of God, accepted as true without a second thought. Those with a more forensic brain have been more circumspect.

Markle dragged her unsuspecting husband off to California as part of a planned manoeuvre. Having claimed that the media in the UK was being intrusive , unfair, racist - you name it - and claiming that she needed to get out of the spotlight, what has she done as soon as she's free to do it ? Arranged to go on television with America's biggest chat show host and 'bared all'. No doubt choreographed and scripted, this 'interview' was nothing but a sham from start to finish. There was no 'interview', it was simply an opportunity to allow Markle to come across as a victim, a poor little hard-done-by coloured girl who'd been badly treated by her nasty white in-laws.

There is no doubt that we live in shocking times. Anyone who claims to have been subjected to an assortment of supposedly discriminatory actions appears to demand instant belief and attention, unless they are white, male and heterosexual. Those who are coloured, female or anything but heterosexual are free to make claims and demand that those who have offended them are punished, most often for wholly imagined 'crimes'. 

Before her television appearance, I had no interest whatsoever in Markle or her silly husband - neither is of any importance in the real world and we in Britain are well rid of them. However, since that incredible outpouring of pure bile I can only say that I now utterly despise this self-serving, hypocritical, disingenuous and contemptible bitch. Her claims make no sense and even her own actions refute some of them.

Piers Morgan was exercising his right to free speech which surely he was entitled to do. Or perhaps not, after all, he is a white, heterosexual male and he was criticising a poor, hard-done-by coloured woman. How frightening for the rest of the normal, white, male population. and for all those who now find themselves considering every word they may utter for fear of causing 'offence', be it racist, sexist, homophobic or any other of the myriad of possibilities.

Free speech is dead.

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