The evidence suggests that the UK and EU will eventually cobble together some sort of 'deal', with both sides claiming 'victory'. The truth will be that whatever is agreed will be to the satisfaction of neither party and will be so full of holes as to be open to infinite future challenges.
When Boris Johnson first set a 'final deadline' it seemed an unlikely target. The 'absolutely final deadline' of today (Sunday 13th December) was clearly nothing but yet another political gambit that both sides have now ignored.
It is equally clear that unless the UK agrees, in some way or other, to abiding by EU regulations and accepting that EU trawlers will continue to have unfettered access to British waters, there will be no deal. Given that these are 2 red lines on which the EU will not give way, the outcome seems clear.
Despite all of the rhetoric, the Johnson government will most probably find a fudge that is an effective surrender. Oh yes, it will be dressed up in such a way as to be presented as a victory but it will, in truth, be an agreement which gives everlasting power to the EU and reduces the UK to the level of a client state. Forget the claimed notions of sovereignty, we will be in hock to the EU, really meaning Germany and France, forever.
Of course, Boris may surprise us all and finally tell the EU that it is 'No Deal', but does anyone really believe that is going to happen ? My vote in future elections hangs in the balance - will Boris prove that he has the balls to earn it or will he cave in, just as so many of the liberal elite have done so often in the past ?
How many millions will be having similar thoughts ? How many millions might be looking for a new standard bearer in January ? Oh, unless of course the 'negotiations' are somehow carried on for a further indeterminate period, which is the obvious third option, God help us. The EU would like nothing more than to drag this issue out for another 3 or 4 years in the hope that either the British will become so fed up that they give up, or that a new government in 2024 calls a halt to the whole Brexit idea.
Anyone who thought that the 2016 referendum was the end of this saga was sadly mistaken. This is a true 'make or break' moment for those who truly believe in the democratic process. To make it personal, my last 2 cars have been German and I've recently been under pressure from a dealer to buy another; quite simply, unless there is a realistic deal that truly recognizes UK sovereignty, my next car will not be German, French, Italian or even Swedish. It will be Japanese, Korean, Malaysian or even American. That will be a good £30k plus that will not go to an EU nation or its UK outlets. Yes, that means that UK employees could miss out but then perhaps they should be considering for whom they work.
Boris, show some true mettle, otherwise you and your party are history.
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