Sunday, 12 April 2020


I don't like politicians because most of them are self-serving and utterly disingenuous. They build lives of luxury on the backs of largely naïve populations, some of whom may be very clever but most of whom are not devious and are not aware of just how devious politicians can be.

However, every now and then a politician arises who is somewhat above the average. Those such as Melbourne, Gladstone, Disraeli, Lloyd George and Churchill had a charisma that transcended the norm. Margaret Thatcher was another who was well above the usual standard of political figures and the latest addition to this pantheon is Boris Johnson. This is not to say that these figure are not every bit as devious as their predecessors, just that they were, and are, far more luminous. 

Boris may not be everyone's idea of the ideal prime Minister, indeed, I had the most severe of doubts about his elevation to be leader of his party let alone of the nation. However, since he was stricken with the coronavirus COVID-19, his position as an outstanding attribute to our country has been clear. When he was simply unwell, the country was muted, when he went into hospital, it was worried, but when he was admitted to intensive care, it was close to panic-stricken. His release from hospital today has been greeted with universal relief, almost joy. 

His televised message tonight was a great occasion. To see that this now almost iconic figure is back amongst us, even if he will be recuperating at a distance for a while, was a huge relief to a population which is in desperate need of good news. While the media remains obsessed with reporting every piece of bad news, every item of nit-picking, petty-foggery that it can find and every opportunity for finding fault, the return of Boris to our screens was a moment of true importance. He is a character who has almost transcended politics and become a national icon. That he has suffered the current plague and come through it almost elevates him to a new level - he is truly "one of us".

While his political opponents look for ways of hiding their political opportunism behind veils of apparently supportive and yet meaningless verbiage, Boris has experienced the reality of the current crisis. When Boris talks of his admiration and gratitude for and to the staff of the NHS, it is real; others can do no more than issue an assortment of waffle and meaningless platitudes.

That Boris is back has to be a huge relief to us all.

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