Keir Starmer, one of the unholy bunch vying to become the next leader of the Labour Party and, potentially, Prime Minister, is going to make a speech later today in which he'll be setting out some basic principles for his campaign.
Starmer, a man who accepted a knighthood but apparently prefers not to use the title, will reportedly tell the world that Britain needs a "radical redistribution of wealth and opportunity" and an end to the "monopoly of power" in Westminster. He will tell whomever is listening that power should be put "into the hands of the people". Hold on a moment - isn't this just more hypocritical bunkum from someone who actually wants the power for himself ?
Of course it is. Starmer's stance on his knighthood is a clear indicator of his basic hypocrisy but now he goes much, much further. While campaigning for power for himself, he pretends that it's really "power to the people". His nebulous slogans about redistribution of wealth and power are meaningless in any real terms and are the same tired old rhetoric that's been trotted out by politicians for decades. Most importantly though, when Starmer talks of power being put "into the hands of the people" he contradicts his own recent actions over Brexit.
Power to decide whether the United Kingdom remained within the suffocating bubble of the European Union was given to the British people and those people voted to leave it. Ever since, Starmer has battled to get that choice reversed - as a staunch Remainer, he campaigned for another referendum and was one of those who managed to get the Labour Party to reverse its own position on the matter. In fact, he's one of the prime architects of his party's dire performance in last December's general election. Far from putting power into the hands of the people, Starmer did everything he could to thwart what the people had clearly voted for. In his very own 'Westminster Bubble' Starmer knew what was best for the people and wasn't going to listen to any nonsense from them.
Starmer is a hypocrite of the highest order. Admittedly, most politicians are, but Starmer takes the prize amongst the modern day bunch. He no more believes in "power to the people" than did Stalin, Mao or indeed, Oliver Cromwell. He simply doesn't like the lot who have the power today and would much rather have it himself. If he gets it, WATCH OUT !
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