The good old BBC has been at it again.
Hilary Clinton, an egregious American who is no fan of anyone or anything that might be considered vaguely 'right wing', has been feted by the corporation this morning. Apparently, together with her daughter, she's co-authored a book which the BBC is only too happy to promote. As a bonus to the Beeb, Mrs Clinton has also had something negative to say about Boris Johnson's government.
Harking back to her own claimed experience in the US Presidential election of 2016, Clinton has said that it's "inexplicable and shameful" that the UK government has not yet published a report on alleged Russian interference in British politics. She's added that "Every person who votes in this country deserves to see that report before your election happens". Those who've interviewed her today have done nothing to challenge her statements, but have accepted them at face value.
What our general election has to do with this awful woman is a mystery. Given that openness and honesty are sadly lacking in her own country, not to mention her own family - we all recall her husband's "honesty" over the Lewinsky affair for which he was all-but impeached - and that her failure to win the Presidency was more to do with her own failings than with the Russians, her arrogance in pontificating about our government is breathtaking.
Why on earth does the BBC publicise such a harridan ? The answer, of course, is obvious. Clinton is a leftie who doesn't like Boris Johnson and his "right wing" government, but does love the European Union and is a promoter of all things to do with so-called equality and "social justice". Consequently, she fits in well with the BBC's own left wing management, agenda and overall presentation.
Will we be hearing from a right wing author anytime soon ? Would such a person escape unchallenged, as Mrs Clinton has ? Not a chance.
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