Saturday, 21 September 2019


Anyone who is naïve enough to believe that a Corbyn-led Labour government would offer anything approximating to democracy must surely be having second thoughts after yesterday's events.

John Lansman, a Corbyn supporter and leader of the 'Momentum' group of left wing extremists, has proposed that the post of Deputy Leader of the labour party should be abolished. The problem, as Lansman and his mates see it, is that the current post holder, Tom Watson, is not left wing enough and has voiced opinions which are sometimes contrary to those of some other party apparatchiks. However, Watson was elected by the party membership and cannot be dismissed by the national executive; the answer, according to Lansman, is simply to abolish the post altogether.

This is the left wing's version of democracy; what would they do should they actually gain national office through a general election ? It may sound like a giant step from abolishing a party post to changing governmental arrangements, but why shouldn't they ? Perhaps they might set their sights on ridding us of chief constables and handing all power to the Home Secretary; perhaps they might abolish elected police and crime commissioners and replace them with party appointees. Would we actually need elected Members of Parliament, or perhaps they could simply be appointed by the all-powerful party. Ultimately, would the Monarchy be safe ?

Much is made of the dangers of the right wing, the left usually characterising any right wing activity as being 'extreme', but little is said of the dangers of the left. The left characterises itself as being on the side of the people, progress and liberalism; in truth, the likes of Lansman, Corbyn and their friends have no interest in anything other than gaining power for their own ends, their own ends being the establishment of an autocratic state along the lines of the old Soviet Union.

We are in dangerous times.

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