Saturday, 22 June 2019


Given that Boris Johnson has said nothing about the supposed incident at the home that he shares with his lady friend, it's pretty well impossible to draw any conclusions about what really happened and whether it is an event worthy of any attention at all.

It's reported that a neighbour, having recorded (!?) a loud argument going on, rang the police, who then attended the scene but decided there was nothing with which they needed to be bothered. The neighbour then contacted the Guardian newspaper, a left wing, anti-Johnson organ of the media, and relayed the story. Why ?

How is it that the neighbour came to record a row next door ? Do the homes in that area have paper thin walls ? Was it a 'put up job' ? If the neighbour was genuinely concerned for the safety of another resident, wasn't alerting the police sufficient ? The police found nothing to concern them, so why did the neighbour feel it necessary to alert a left wing newspaper ? This smacks of either a simple and planned attack on Mr Johnson or a cry for their 15 minutes of fame. 

We are left with few facts. A neighbour called the police and the police found nothing to worry them. The neighbour called the Guardian newspaper which splashed a story in order to get readers; other parts of the media followed suit. That's it.

Is Mr Johnson a nice person or is he, as is supposedly claimed, spoiled, self obsessed and careless of others ? Does it matter ? What senior politician, captain of industry or leader of other organisations doesn't have these characteristics ? People in senior positions need to be able to take decisions based on facts, without emotion; they need to be determined and confident in their abilities. 

Personally, I'd rather have a Prime Minister who's prepared to upset people now and again rather than one who avoids action for fear of upsetting them. I'd rather have a prime Minister who speaks his, or her, mind and sometimes gets angry, and shows it. The only problem I have is that I really don't know if Boris Johnson is up to the job in the first place. If he is, then I really don't care whether he had a row with his lady friend or not; if he isn't, then a row is irrelevant anyway. 

You pays yer money and ………………………………. .

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