Thursday, 26 July 2018


At long last, it seems that the UK government has woken up to the fact that raising 'No Deal' as a genuine possibility might just make the EU sit up and take notice.

For months, the  European Union's negotiators have not negotiated at all, they've simply adopted the stance of General de Gaulle and met every UK position with a resounding "NON !" They've assumed that the UK is actually so desperate to remain closely tied to the EU that it would accept whatever was demanded, be it money, border controls and migration, trade arrangements or anything else. They've ignored the fact that the UK is a huge contributor, one of very few, to the EU's budget and they've ignored the massive trade imbalance, entirely to the EU's benefit, which exists. Their entire approach has been predicated on the basis that the UK would ultimately roll over and accept whatever the EU wanted.

Of course, it may all be 'smoke and mirrors' from the UK government but at least the messages now emanating from it give the appearance that a stronger line is being adopted. Indications that there are now active preparations for a 'No Deal' scenario may be aimed at pacifying Brexiteers but may also be a shot across the bows of the EU, the clear message being "negotiate properly or else".

For all our sakes, I truly hope that, at last, the UK government has got its act together.

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