Tuesday, 1 May 2018


The unelected House of Lords, a place populated by a mish-mash of former MPs, others appointed for their supposed expertise in an assortment of areas, and a bunch of Church of England bishops has had another go at thwarting the will of the people as expressed in the 2016 referendum.

Last night, the Lords voted for an amendment to  a government bill which would effectively hamstring the government in its negotiations over Brexit. The amendment requires that, should Parliament reject the final agreement reached between the government and EU, it would have the power to tell the Prime Minister to return to Brussels for further negotiations. This, of course, would also hand all over the negotiating strength to the EU.

In common with the House of Commons, the House of Lords has an inherent majority in favour of the UK remaining in the European Union and its members are also in the happy, for them, position of not having to worry about the potential for losing their seat at the next general election. They are, therefore, free to make as much mischief as they like. Consequently, we have had this, and other votes, designed to prevent Brexit from happening. The demand that the UK remains in the Customs' Union after Brexit is nothing less than a demand that it stays in the EU in all but name, while having no say in the EU's decision making processes. This new demand, if accepted by the House of Commons, would allow the EU to make all manner of demands on the UK regardless of whether or not they were acceptable to the UK, knowing that a 'no deal' scenario had been ruled out and that the UK would ultimately be forced to accept whatever was put forward or to enter into a period of stalemate in which the UK would be effectively bound to the EU while being legally outside of it.

Frankly, the Lords need to be put down. This unelected, arrogant and supercilious bunch of liberal minded establishment know-it-alls have no business standing in the way of the decision of the people. The people voted to leave the EU, customs' union, single market and all of the EU's other bureaucratic nonsense. This is what the people want and this is what they should get; it is for the government to negotiate the best deal it can with regard to the future arrangements between the UK and EU but it is not for the Lords, or anyone else, to keep inventing new ways of trying to reverse the referendum decision.

If these remoaners triumph, it will be a signal that elections and referendums are an irrelevance in this country, Our masters, who consider themselves to know what is best for the rest of we poor idiots, will have shown that they care not for what the people vote but only for the power that elections give them. Should a true Brexit be thwarted by these people, I will never vote for any mainstream party again - what would be the point ? 

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