Saturday, 2 December 2017


There are reports that the so-called 'Croydon cat killer' has expanded his area of operation and is suspected of killing 5 animals in Northamptonshire. It's suggested that the same person, or persons, could be responsible for the deaths of hundreds of cats across England.

Frankly, I'm on the side of the killer. Cats are little more than vermin with so many of them now wandering around our neighbourhoods that they are becoming a nuisance. Unlike dogs, which form clear relationships with their owners, cats are utterly self-centred creatures. They are soft and furry and can be cuddly; they will sit and be stroked so long as it suits them but they owe no allegiance to anyone. They drain resources that could be far better used elsewhere.

Many people will say that cats are clean animals although the truth is that they are usually afflicted with at least a few fleas and their cleanliness comes from a rather unsavoury habit of licking themselves all over. Their normal activities including sleeping for most of the day and then slinking around overnight in search of small animals to kill. They mess wherever they like, often in gardens and on flower beds, and sit in wait for opportunities to chase and catch small birds. They contribute nothing of any value to our society.

The owners of cats take no responsibility for them beyond feeding and housing them, although most cats will just as happily bed down anywhere and accept food from anyone. These verminous creatures are not kept under any control and are left to roam freely, causing damage and injury without the owners showing any concern or being held responsible.

Surely it is time for some order to be brought to the ownership and proliferation of cats.

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