Tuesday, 29 August 2017


As the UK's 'Brexit' negotiations back underway, it seems clear that the European Union's representatives are determined to be as awkward as possible.

Consistent with his previous pronouncements, Jean-Claude Juncker, a true 'giant' of Luxembourg politics before his elevation to become president of the European Commission, has been making loud noises about the need to settle the 'divorce bill' before any trade negotiations can begin. He's also been complaining that none of the papers and proposals provided so far by the UK are 'satisfactory', presumably meaning that they don't meet what the EU wants; does he not understand that the EU can no more get everything it wants than can the UK ?

Much continues to be said about EU citizens continuing to have all of the same rights while living in the UK after 'Brexit' as they have now, and for these rights to be legislated by the European Court; what a ludicrous idea. It is akin to saying that British citizens living in the various former British colonies should have remained subject to UK law when those countries obtained their independence, which would have been utterly ridiculous. No country can have some of its populace governed by one set of laws and some by another; this is no different to the idiotic notions that some have about instituting Sharia Law for sections of our society and it is equally unacceptable.

Juncker and his overpaid Europhile pals insist that the UK must be realistic and start negotiating seriously. In reality it is he, and they, who need to wake up. If I was David Davis I'd be making it very clear to Juncker and his cronies that I have no fears about walking away from the negotiating table empty-handed and with no agreement at all. The EU would be billions of euros worse off, both immediately and annually thereafter, and would be thrown into such chaotic turmoil that the mess it's already in would seem like perfect organisation.

Come on, Mr Davis, grow some balls. Tell these jumped up bureaucrats a few home truths and if they don't like it, who cares ?

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