I frequently hear left wing politicians claiming to be 'progressive' and to want to pursue 'progressive' policies, though they rarely define what 'progressive' actually means. Interestingly, the politicians who express themselves in this way are invariably left wing, which gives a clue as to what they really mean.
In order to avoid being called 'socialist', the left wing of politics has, in recent times, redefined itself as 'progressive' as a way of hiding its true nature from potential supporters. Instead of being seen as socialist and, therefore, by definition on the same side of the coin as the likes of Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tse-tung and many other nasty left wing dictators, not to mention Adolf Hitler's National Socialists - the NAZIs - 'progressive' has been adopted as an ill-defined and largely meaningless description of their beliefs.
However, those who claim to be 'progressive' have certain things in common which mark them out as unremittingly Socialist. They believe in higher taxation, higher public borrowing and higher public spending; they believe in ever increasing state control of education, health, transport, industry and much more. They believe in huge state hand-outs, and in squeezing 'the rich', another ill-defined term and a group into which more and more moderately comfortable people are falling.
These 'progressives' believe in a soft approach to real crime while inventing new 'social' crimes with which to beat the people into submission. They believe in micro-managing the lives of people with ever more control over what is considered 'acceptable' and more and more laws designed to restrict free speech and free expression. They promote the creation of huge numbers of local wardens who follow us around in our everyday lives, issuing fines for parking, littering, smoking, and any number of other perceived transgressions.
'Progressives' are nothing of the sort. They are a throwback to a time when the common people were subjugated by the landed gentry and other wealthy citizens; the only difference is that the 'progressives' want the controlling influence to be themselves rather than the hated 'rich'. Don't be conned by their crafty and deceitful use of language.