The arrogance and egotism of Tony Blair truly knows no bounds.
The man who deceived parliament and the country over Iraq's mythical 'weapons of mass destruction', and then led the country into the catastrophic financial collapse of 2008, now intends trying to convince us all to change our minds over leaving the European Union.
Blair believes that he knows better than the rest of us and that those who voted to leave the corrupt and profligate EU simply didn't understand what they were doing. Basically, he says that we were too stupid to make the right choice.
Since being elbowed out of office by his 'colleague', Gordon Brown, Blair has used his status as a former Prime Minister to amass a serious fortune. He still has ambitions to achieve other high political office and was strongly linked to a position as some sort of President of Europe; clearly, he still has such hopes but has to keep the UK within the EU if they are to be realised.
Blair is a desperate man. He is thrashing around trying to find something which will ensure that history remembers him as a political giant rather than as a failed man of straw. Frankly, his attempted return to the political frontline in this way proves his failure. He failed in the UK, he failed in the Middles East and in his European ambitions. He is a failure and his latest attempts to lead us down a path of his choosing should be rejected with vigour.
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