We seem to be beset by lawlessness of a type which did not exist in the past, and the government's response is to invent evermore laws that restrict the freedoms of us all rather than to address the problems head on.
A few days ago, we were told that the supposed problem of 'voter fraud' is to be dealt with by requiring all voters to provide identification at their polling stations; it's suggested that we may be required to show passports, driving licences or utility bills before being permitted to cast our votes. All of this is because a handful of voters, predominantly, if not wholly, from non-British cultural backgrounds, have been found to have engaged in some dubious ballot box dealings. Rather than deal with the overtly cultural issues involved, our government plans to use the 'problem' as a way to increase its control over all of us. This is wrong.
I always take along the polling card which is hand delivered to my house; if this is no longer sufficient evidence of my identity I, for one, won't bother voting as I have no intention of being railroaded by a succession of inept governments which refuse to address the real problems in our society.
Shockingly, this matter is but another in a series of such cultural clashes which we face. We have forced marriage among some immigrant populations and slavery amongst others; we have abduction, imprisonment and gang rape carried out by still others. Parts of some of our once-great cities are now unrecognizable and are virtual 'no-go' areas for their former indigenous populations. In some places we have 'community leaders' who act almost independently of the official forces of law and order, imposing their own codes on the people.
Our governments have done nothing about any of this, all in the name of 'multiculturalism', equality, diversity and other such nebulous terms. Having allowed millions of immigrants to come to our country, they have done nothing to encourage, even demand, integration into our culture but have, instead, allowed the growth of what amount to separate communities with their own ways, customs and laws. This is madness.
There can be no doubt that the lack of leadership from our government, the lack of enforcing a true national identity and national laws, and the growth of separate sub-cultures within our society is destructive. It will lead to terrible times ahead.