Saturday, 1 October 2016


Back in June the British people voted to leave the European Union; this was not conditional, it was unequivocal. Ever since then, those establishment figures who don't like the idea of leaving, indeed, see the Union as a safe haven and even a future meal ticket for themselves, have sought to derail 'Brexit' in every possible way.

Despite economic indicators and trends which continue to defy their dire predictions, 'Remainers' still try to convince the rest of us that leaving the Union will, eventually, lead to catastrophe. If they were wrong in their original predictions it was only because they misjudged the timescale; calamity will still befall us, it is just a little delayed. Why we should believe them now, when they were so wrong before isn't revealed.

Various political figures from what is basically the 'Remain' camp keep popping up with more news, stories, threats and so on designed to scare us into 'thinking again'.. Some, led by the Liberal Democrats, want a second referendum, ostensibly on the "terms of Brexit" but, in reality it's just an attempt to have another go at getting the 'right result. This is a time honoured tradition amongst EU nations and has been used in several countries in order to over-ride the initially stated 'Will of the People' in favour of the will of the establishment.

More insidious is the attempt to draw a semi-mystical distinction between "Hard Brexit" and "Soft Brexit". These essentially meaningless terms have been invented in order to bring as much chaos and confusion to the situation as can be managed, in order to bamboozle the public into believing that "Brexit" can mean different things; the now famous phrase "Brexit means Brexit" is thereby rendered highly malleable.

In truth, leaving the European Union is a straightforward matter of invoking 'Article 50' and then getting on with it. There is no need to complicate matters by talking of convoluted and long-winded negotiations - if the remaining nations of the Union want to make life awkward, fine. Let them do their worst as it's they who will suffer most in the long run. The United Kingdom can walk away and enter freely into deals with any nation in the world, unencumbered by the stifling bureaucracy of the EU; the member nations of the EU will soon come calling when they find our doors closed to them and their products.

The United Kingdom has, alone, one of the 5 or 6 largest economies in the world; ours is not Norway or Switzerland, it is on a par with Germany and bigger than France. There is no 'hard' or 'soft' to "Brexit" it is just " Brexit" Those who talk of 'soft' "Brexit" simply don't want us to leave the European Union at all; they are frightened little people who don't want to risk setting off into the outside world, but prefer the perceived safety and security of mummy's embrace. They need to realise that now is the time to 'fly the nest'.

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