Wednesday, 14 September 2016


Not very long ago, David Cameron was busy telling anyone who'd listen that the UK should vote to stay in the European Union as leaving that organisation would lead to substantial difficulties for us. Nonetheless, he also stated loud and clear that, should the people vote to leave the Union, he would continue in office as Prime Minister to oversee the process of extrication and to ensure that the UK achieved the best possible deal.

How long is 3 months, let alone a week, in politics !?

Within hours of the vote, Cameron had reneged on his first promise and resigned as Prime Minister, causing serious disruption at a time when what was needed was stability and at a time when any truly democratic and responsive leader would have accepted the will of his people and buckled down to putting it into action.

Now, having initially indicated that he loved being a Member of Parliament and would remain as the representative for his constituency until at least 2020, he has reneged on this promise by resigning his seat. Talk about going off in a huff !

Cameron never was anything but a self-serving rich-kid from the privileged elite of our society; as soon as he didn't get his own way, he's flounced off. No doubt he will now find himself further lucrative employment as a Tony Blair clone, touring the world to give others the benefit of his self-proclaimed vast knowledge and intellect while charging ludicrous fees for his services and ignoring his blatant failure as the UK's Prime Minister.

Why is it that we let people like this get away with it ?

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