Wednesday, 21 September 2016


Many years ago, antibiotics were hailed as a new wonder drug that would banish many diseases for ever. The discovery of penicillin followed by the development of many other drugs with similar bactericidal properties seemed like a gift from heaven. No more.

Decades of overprescribing and wrong prescribing, and the wholesale use of antibiotics in animal husbandry has led to the appearance of multitudes of 'superbugs' which are immune to even the most powerful modern antibiotics. Once again, people find themselves at  the mercy of potentially lethal bacterial infections and today's news carries a story that members of the United Nations are to sign a 'landmark declaration' to rid the world of drug-resistant infections. What poppycock.

There is a long history of scientific 'experts' making serious errors when it comes to the use of drugs, antibiotics being but one example. A lack of adequate research and trialling prior to the release and use of expensively developed medications has previously seen many people suffering debilitating and even fatal consequences from the effects of prescribed steroids, another 'wonder drug', and many victims of thalidomide are still around today. Valium, otherwise known as Diazepam, and Librium were considered 'wonder drugs' for treating depression until their side effects were discovered and now their use is greatly reduced; at one time, cigarette smoking was promoted as being beneficial to health. Scientists and doctors are not infallible, they only think they are and they are too often 'in hock' to vast commercial enterprises which are interested in little more than 'turning a quick buck'.

Now, the very same people who have been responsible for shocking negligence over the use of antibiotics are to be tasked with saving us. Some hope. The damage is already done and unless an entirely new class of drugs , or some other course of action, can be developed, we are likely to see increasing numbers of people dying from infections which have been largely inconsequential in recent years. Indeed, we already have potential new disasters waiting in the wings, with 'statins' being promoted for general use, a plethora of additives in our food and a vast array of 'health supplements' being sold over the counter everywhere. What the long term effects of these might be, no one really knows or, if they do, they're keeping very quiet about it.

The real problems arise from the arrogance of some scientists and the over-riding interests of large pharmaceutical companies and governments. Frankly, the United Nations can make whatever declarations it likes but nothing of substance will happen until there is some genuine oversight of, and research into, the long term effects of the many drugs and other preparations with which we are confronted on an almost daily basis.

Wednesday, 14 September 2016


Not very long ago, David Cameron was busy telling anyone who'd listen that the UK should vote to stay in the European Union as leaving that organisation would lead to substantial difficulties for us. Nonetheless, he also stated loud and clear that, should the people vote to leave the Union, he would continue in office as Prime Minister to oversee the process of extrication and to ensure that the UK achieved the best possible deal.

How long is 3 months, let alone a week, in politics !?

Within hours of the vote, Cameron had reneged on his first promise and resigned as Prime Minister, causing serious disruption at a time when what was needed was stability and at a time when any truly democratic and responsive leader would have accepted the will of his people and buckled down to putting it into action.

Now, having initially indicated that he loved being a Member of Parliament and would remain as the representative for his constituency until at least 2020, he has reneged on this promise by resigning his seat. Talk about going off in a huff !

Cameron never was anything but a self-serving rich-kid from the privileged elite of our society; as soon as he didn't get his own way, he's flounced off. No doubt he will now find himself further lucrative employment as a Tony Blair clone, touring the world to give others the benefit of his self-proclaimed vast knowledge and intellect while charging ludicrous fees for his services and ignoring his blatant failure as the UK's Prime Minister.

Why is it that we let people like this get away with it ?

Tuesday, 13 September 2016


What a horrific choice faces the American electorate in November's Presidential election. It really is a no-win situation.

To start with, both candidates are far too old - Trump is 70 and Clinton 68. No one actually knows what Trump's health situation is but everyone now knows that Clinton has shown significant frailty. Trump has no political experience and is like a manic version of Nigel Farage, while Clinton has more political experience than can be believed but is considered to be a typically dishonest member of the political elite.

It seems that few people actually like either of them and the final vote may well depend on which one is least disliked. That either should end up as 'Leader of the Free World' is a frightening prospect, though one undoubtedly will.

God help us !

Friday, 9 September 2016


At long last, it seems that Grammar schools are set to make a return. Hurrah, I say, but 'Over my dead body' is the cry from the those on the left who hate the whole idea of ever acknowledging that some children are simply smarter than others.

Actually 'smarter' is not the right word. The truth is that different children have different abilities and aptitudes and they need different environments in which to flourish. It's also true that children from different backgrounds have different upbringings and expectations and this can undoubtedly affect their academic progress.

Little can be done to change the second of these issues in the short term. While children from forward looking and involved family environments are likely to prosper, those whose parents were poorly educated are likely to be poorly educated themselves. They are likely to see little benefit in schooling, will gain little from it, have little ambition and will, more than likely, follow their parents into the same dead-end lives. While you can take the children out of the environment, you can't easily take the environment out of the children.

On the first point above, something can, however, be done. Our education system needs to stop treating all children as if they're the same and treat them as individuals instead. What is needed is a system which identifies children's specific aptitudes and abilities and helps them to develop these to their ultimate. Whether a child is good at sciences, languages, or other academic  'Grammar school' subjects, is brilliant with their hands, has a wonderful ability in music, or has no great ability but loves to be outdoors, the system should find ways of developing them to the utmost.

To decry Grammar schools as 'elitist', as those on the left of politics habitually do, is to accept that the offering to children who are not academically inclined is pathetically inadequate and the only people to blame for this are the very same self-proclaimed 'educationalists' of the Left. For decades now, our children have suffered the horrors of 'Comprehensive education' and all we have to show for it is millions of poorly educated people and a desire amongst many to bring back Grammar schools. The system has failed and needs to be re-booted.

Sadly, it will take time to turn things around but, if we start today, the children of today's 5 year olds may actually look forward to a far better education than most have received over the last 40 or 50 years.


There was a time when 'The Daily Politics' was really worth watching. No longer, it seems.

Yesterday, under the stewardship of Jo Coburn, it was used as a platform for Ed Balls to publicise his memoires, not to mention his toe-curling appearance on 'Strictly Come Dancing', and also an opportunity to have Balls, another lefty 'blast from the past', Vince Cable, and Coburn try a bit of dancing in the studio. Added to this, there was an appearance by former BBC correspondent Paul Mason, who was given pretty much carte blanche to spout his lefty views about the UK's exit from the European Union. The programme ended with an item about MP's dogs, the relevance of which to anything escaped me.

Admittedly I didn't see the whole programme but what I did see was a total load of dumbed-down balls, with little in the way of political balance. In days gone by, Andrew Neil led this programme impartially and with aplomb, appearing most days and supported by a succession of excellent co-presenters - Daisy Sampson, Jenny Scott, Anita Anand and, on occasion, Laura Kuenssberg; Coburn initially seemed to follow in the same style but, in more recent times, Neil has increasingly failed to appear and Coburn has gone her own way.

I now rarely watch the programme except on the days when Andrew Neil is presenting. After yesterday's drivelly, left-wing effort, I shall watch it even less.