Stories about David Cameron's 'Resignation Honours list' have hit the news and, if true, show just how corrupt the UK honours' system is.
Cameron has reportedly proposed honours for an assortment of lackeys, a large number of whom seem to have been his personal supporters. Again, if true, this shows just what type of man Cameron is, one who will eschew genuine service for the country and, instead, reward those who were simply
'on his side'.
Everyone knows that the honours' system is a farce. Although those who control it will point to the thousands of 'ordinary people' who receive gongs, they don't mention that these almost all receive the lowest awards. The higher honours are reserved for time-serving civil servants, politicians past and present, and sport and media 'stars'. Many of these people have accrued considerable wealth from their careers and have done no more than do their job. Many of the political figures seem to almost expect to become 'Sir' or 'Lady' after a few years of parliamentary membership, while elevation to the peerage comes as a reward for being a good party member.
When pop singers, television personalities, sports' personalities and an assortment of others who have done little other than to enrich themselves while also doing what they love doing, are rewarded with medals and titles, it is obvious that the system is broken. Cameron's proposals, if as reported, just reinforce the case for wholesale reform of what has become nothing other than a mechanism for showering one's mates and various populist figures with ill-deserved favours.
It is time to do away with this antiquated system, along with the concept of an appointed 'Upper House' in parliament. These things belong to a bygone era and have no place in the modern world.
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