Tuesday, 19 January 2016


Anyone who disputes the left wing bent of the BBC needs only to listen to their news broadcasts this morning. In a world beset with major economic, religious and political problems, the jolly old Beeb chose highlight three stories which have no significance other than to left-leaning commentators and those with a distorted view of what is, and what is not, important..

Firstly, it seems that the nominees for this year's Oscars are all white; no coloured actors, writers, directors, designers and so on have been included. This is seen as being a major issue and has been lambasted by the 'head' of the Oscars awards body as well as by various coloured performers. Wow ! What a story ! The Oscars are nothing other than an opportunity for navel gazing and self-congratulatory drivel that have no relevance whatsoever to the real world. A large number of overpaid 'luvvies' gather together in the hope that they will be rewarded for all their 'hard work' by being given what is simply an industry award. It's all meaningless and who is, or is not nominated is equally meaningless, and yet the BBC chose to make this one of their main stories of the day.

Secondly, it's been reported that the security service, MI5, has been named as being the 'most gay friendly employer', in the country, following a survey covering some 400 organisations carried out by the gay rights charity, Stonewall. Forgive me for not actually giving a damn, but what on earth does this have to do with 'news' ? An organisation which supports lesbians, homosexuals, bisexuals and transgender people has used a self-selecting survey of its own members and supporters to try to bring pressure on employers, politicians and others. Not only is this irrelevant and pointless, it is also meaningless. Again, the BBC thinks differently and has made it a national news story, presumably due to the preponderance of homosexuals, lesbians, luvvies, lefties and all the rest in that organisation.

Finally, following the unbelievably excessive coverage of the demise of David Bowie, the death of another 'pop star' has caught their attention. Someone by the name of Glenn Frey, hardly a household name, has died and this, the BBC believes, deserves headlining. Mr Frey was a member of a highly successful group in the 1970s, the 'Eagles', and I have to admit to quite liking their music; however, I, and I'm sure most people, would have no idea of the names of the group's members. To make the death of this largely unknown musician a headline story is ridiculous and simply emphasises the degree to which the BBC is inward looking and obsessed with the world of so-called entertainment.

What more is needed to prove that the BBC, as it is currently organised, is simply 'not fit for purpose' and should be dispensed with ?

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