Sunday, 24 January 2016


Those who say that the United Kingdom should remain within 'a reformed European Union' simply have no case. Rather than state positive reasons for continued membership, they rely on scare-mongering, telling us all how dangerous it will be and how difficult life will become should we vote to leave. They tell us that we will cut ourselves off from the EU economy and other major international markets. This is total bullshit.

The UK is one of the largest and most important economies in the world. It has the second largest economy in the EU, being second in size to Germany and comprising some 16% of the total. Indeed, The economy of the EU is wholly reliant on 4 countries - Germany, the UK, France and Italy, which together make up close to 65% of the Union's total GDP. Astonishingly, 18 of the 27 EU members together comprise only 12½% of its GDP and yet these minnows are able to dictate policy to the rest, if it suits them, in selected areas.

The truth is that the EU needs the UK every bit as much as the UK needs the EU, probably much more so. Without the UK, the burden of carrying the mish-mash of minor nations will fall evermore heavily on Germany and France; neither wants to risk this happening and so they will, reluctantly, agree to a few irrelevant yet headline grabbing 'reforms' which David Cameron can present to British voters as 'victory' in his campaign to achieve change in the EU. In truth, nothing will change.

From the perspective of the UK, leaving the EU will relieve us of the need to continue to support a large number of tiny and relatively unproductive economies. Germany, France, Italy and others will have no choice but to continue trading with us, and we will have the added benefit of being able to trade freely with the rest of the world, including its largest economies in the USA, Japan and China, as well as re-establishing links with the Commonwealth.

The European Union is a disaster. It is based on outworn notions and run by a largely faceless elite; it has expanded well beyond it's initial boundaries, as a political construct, and is now an amalgam of countries, many of which have nothing in common other than their geographical locations. It has become the geopolitical equivalent of the camel, often referred to as being a horse designed by a committee; the European Union is an organisation designed by politicians for their own purposes. It should be consigned to history and the UK leaving would be the catalyst for it's dissolution.

Vote to leave.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016


Anyone who disputes the left wing bent of the BBC needs only to listen to their news broadcasts this morning. In a world beset with major economic, religious and political problems, the jolly old Beeb chose highlight three stories which have no significance other than to left-leaning commentators and those with a distorted view of what is, and what is not, important..

Firstly, it seems that the nominees for this year's Oscars are all white; no coloured actors, writers, directors, designers and so on have been included. This is seen as being a major issue and has been lambasted by the 'head' of the Oscars awards body as well as by various coloured performers. Wow ! What a story ! The Oscars are nothing other than an opportunity for navel gazing and self-congratulatory drivel that have no relevance whatsoever to the real world. A large number of overpaid 'luvvies' gather together in the hope that they will be rewarded for all their 'hard work' by being given what is simply an industry award. It's all meaningless and who is, or is not nominated is equally meaningless, and yet the BBC chose to make this one of their main stories of the day.

Secondly, it's been reported that the security service, MI5, has been named as being the 'most gay friendly employer', in the country, following a survey covering some 400 organisations carried out by the gay rights charity, Stonewall. Forgive me for not actually giving a damn, but what on earth does this have to do with 'news' ? An organisation which supports lesbians, homosexuals, bisexuals and transgender people has used a self-selecting survey of its own members and supporters to try to bring pressure on employers, politicians and others. Not only is this irrelevant and pointless, it is also meaningless. Again, the BBC thinks differently and has made it a national news story, presumably due to the preponderance of homosexuals, lesbians, luvvies, lefties and all the rest in that organisation.

Finally, following the unbelievably excessive coverage of the demise of David Bowie, the death of another 'pop star' has caught their attention. Someone by the name of Glenn Frey, hardly a household name, has died and this, the BBC believes, deserves headlining. Mr Frey was a member of a highly successful group in the 1970s, the 'Eagles', and I have to admit to quite liking their music; however, I, and I'm sure most people, would have no idea of the names of the group's members. To make the death of this largely unknown musician a headline story is ridiculous and simply emphasises the degree to which the BBC is inward looking and obsessed with the world of so-called entertainment.

What more is needed to prove that the BBC, as it is currently organised, is simply 'not fit for purpose' and should be dispensed with ?

Sunday, 17 January 2016


Two senior Conservatives have come out in support of the UK's continued membership of the European Union.

Former minister Nick Herbert claims that leaving this egregious political bloc would be a "jump into the void", while the Education Secretary, Nicky Morgan, is reported to have said that it would "cut the country off from the rest of the world and limit the freedom of young people to study and find jobs in the European Union".

What is this other than scaremongering ? Why do these Europhiles not tell us what the tangible benefits of membership are, rather than attempting to scare us with vague, unsupported and frankly risible remarks that are devoid of any actual content ? The simple fact is that remaining in the European Union will bring still more rules and regulations which stifle innovation; it will bring, regardless of anything that the Europhiles say, the 'ever closer union' so beloved of Europe's predominantly socialist leaders and the UK will inevitably be encompassed by it; it will continue to bring, inevitably, vast flows of population from poorer nations to the UK, leading to enormous social pressures and ultimately to civil strife. The UK will find itself ever-more subservient to the will of the Brussels (and Strasbourg, given the imbecilic dual arrangements that exist) executive, to European foreign policy, social policy, monetary policy, economic policy and so on.

Pro-Europeans such as Nick Herbert and Nicky Morgan say nothing about any of this. They confine their campaigning to issuing statements designed to frighten sections of the population, rather than giving them any positive reasons to remain in the Union; the only possible reason for taking this approach is that they have no positive reasons to cite. Remaining in the European Union is a protectionist policy while leaving it would be a clear indicator that the UK is genuinely open for business with the rest of the world.

The only conclusion is that the UK should, indeed must, leave.