Sunday, 29 December 2013


A couple of years ago, the 'Children's Commissioner', a Maggie Atkinson, argued that the age of criminal responsibility should be raised from its current 10 to 12 years of age. Now, she wants parents to be legally banned from smacking their little darlings.
How this stupid woman gained her appointment is a mystery. Her background is as an English teacher in northern England followed by a variety of local authority roles, culminating as Director of Children's Services in Gateshead. She was appointed, against strong opposition, by the then Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families, the egregious Ed Balls. One has to assume that she has left wing views.
Anyone who's ever been in contact with children has to be aware that 10 year olds are more than capable of knowing right from wrong; why Ms Atkinson would want to deny this only she can explain. As for smacking, anyone who's ever seen a wildlife programme will know that the occasional thump being delivered to an unruly youngster is hardly something that is the unique prerogative of human parents; chimps, lions and others can be seen doing exactly the same. As long as the punishment is mild, there is nothing wrong with it and everything right about it. Children need to be taught that certain actions are unacceptable and simply talking to them or sending them to the 'naughty step' does not always suffice. Indeed, for their own good, there are occasions when a much sharper punishment has to be delivered.
Why does Ms Atkinson not understand this ? Is it adherence to left wing political doctrine, political correctness, plain stupidity or what ?

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