I've just discovered that the use of the word 'coloured' is now considered to be 'racially insensitive', at least in the world of golf.
Following on from some stupid spat between Sergio Garcia and Tiger Woods, some official used the word 'coloured' when describing many of Garcia's friends; he's now apologised in the most abject way for using this, apparently, unacceptable word.
I truly do wonder what the world is coming to. Calling people 'niggers', 'wogs', 'coons', wops, 'dagoes', 'kaffirs', 'chinks' and so on may well be offensive; such terms were intended to be derogatory and to show the superiority of the speaker, but if we are now to be banned from using simple descriptive terms such as 'black' or 'coloured', what do we say ? There does not seem to be any ban on the use of 'white' and, as far as I know, no one has yet been vilified for using the word 'honky', making it appear that this is another one-sided piece of politically correct nonsense.
The odious man who is Tiger Woods has clearly fallen out with Garcia but who, outside of the world of golfing superstars, really cares one jot ? The fact that this breeze in a bucket has made news headlines shows just how stupid how media has become and just how much we are now being dominated by left-wing lunacy.
Is Woods 'black', 'coloured' or something else ? Is he, perhaps, 'burnt umber' ? In the words of Rhett Butler, "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn !"
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