The portrait of the Duchess of Cambridge unveiled yesterday seems to have found approval only from the royal couple themselves. Critics whose views have been expressed on television and radio appear to be mostly critical and I have to say that I tend to agree with them
At first sight, there is no doubt that the picture is of the Duchess but on closer imnspection it simply looks wrong. I'm no art expert so my view is entirely personal but there is clearly something about the picture which is odd. One critic I heard said that there was an inconsistency between the top half of the subject's face and the lower portion and this may be the problem.
The Duchess's eyes appear to be less than fully open, giving the impression of a slight frown, while the mouth has a slight upturn suggesting a smile,although the lips are tightly closed which also seems wrong; in between, the cheek bones seem to be ever so slightly over-emphasised
There can be no doubt that the Duchess is a very attractive woman, but this portrait simply doesn't do her justice. It is "wrong", and that's all there is to it.
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