Sunday, 2 December 2012


George Osborne, the boy who is pretending to be Chancellor of the Exchequer, will deliver his latest piece of bad news for the country on Wednesday with his 'Autumn Statement'.
Of course, the headlines and most of the speech will tell us that things are looking up and he is now able to make all of our lives a bit better. The subtext and what's concealed in the small print will undoubtedly tell a very different story.
After Wednesday's statement we will all be poorer, some given notice, surreptitiously, of being very much poorer. This is inevitable and nothing more than a restoration of reality; we have mostly been living well beyond our means for decades. The availability of credit has allowed people, and the country, to spend money it never had, or will have, and the consequences are now coming home to roost.
The real truth that no government will ever tell us is that we are on a downward slope; our costs are too high as are our expectations. In time we will inevitably become poorer and will be forced to adopt a much more frugal approach to our lives. China, India, Brazil and the rest will replace us at the head of the line and we will have to re-learn the tradesmens' skills that we have forsaken and accept the low wages and standard of living that it brings. We won't like it and there will be trouble, perhaps very serious trouble, but it is inevitable.
Rather than acknowledge this and start to make provision for it, Osborne will tinker; he will fiddle while Rome burns. In the end, it will be Osborne and his like, all of his predecessors and those whose political ambitions outweighed their morality, who will bring this country to its knees and even to its ankles.
God can't help us because he doesn't exist. The politicians won't help us because it's not in their interests. We can only help ourselves by recognizing the problem and responding to it in a way that most will reject - more training in old fashioned trades, lower wages and a lower expectation of what the future might hold. At the moment, the jobs that will survive in 30 or 40 years time are filled by immigrants, almost exclusively; by then they will control our economy and the indigenous white population will be scratching around for a living.
This is not a racist diatribe, it is simple fact. The truth is that immigrants are generally from poor countries and are much more willing than the pre-existing population to undertake low paid menial jobs. In the future this will change unless the existing population accepts its true position in the world; of course, it won't and there will be trouble. The result is as inevitable as was the victory of New Zealand over England in Saturday's Rugby international; that didn't happen which suggests there may be hope, though it's not great. It's in our own hands.

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