Sunday, 21 October 2012


It's good to know that that Grand Old Tory, Norman Tebbit, is in tune with my thinking.

Lord Tebbit is reported to have said that David Cameron, reputed to be the Prime Minister of our benighted nation, has allowed "this dog of a coalition government" to look incompetent. He was apparently speaking with particular reference to the saga over the now-departed Andrew Mitchell but his remarks come after a series of blunders by senior ministers.
Tebbit has also suggested that it is high time that Cameron started introducing some genuinely Conservative policies - tougher rules on immigration and crime, for instance; of course, his Liberal partners wouldn't like this and, probably, neither would Dave. It seems that the words of the 'Chingford Bovverboy' will continue to fall on deaf ears until the Conservative Party realises that it's best approach is to return to its true roots, rather than trying to appeal to the ridiculously named 'Middle Ground' which is, of course, a euphemism for being mildly socialist.
When our main electoral choice is between 3 parties whose difference is merely their degree of socialism, for whom are right wing believers to vote ?

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