Wednesday, 5 September 2012


This morning I've heard snippets of a story from the BBC which is also about the BBC, though without so far hearing the full context. The story is one which will cause considerable pain to many.
It appears that one consequence of the Beeb's ongoing internal reorganisation is to be the demise of 2 of its most long-standing newsreaders, Harriet Cass nd Charlotte Green, both of whom seem to to have been around for ever. Indeed, one presenter stated that their combined service added up to well over 70 years.
In this age of local accents and dialects not to mention the rise of 'celebrity' newsreaders such as Fiona Bruce who think themselves so much more important, to hear the tones of Harriet and Charlotte has been a pleasure. Every time some other presenter announced that it was time for the headlines, to be read by Harriet Cass or Charlotte Green, one's spirits soared. Both speak with mellifluous tones, clearly and precisely. They have shown no propensity to pretension and have, for me at least, remained wholly unknown except for their voices; ohh, those voices !.
Charlotte, of course, has had a couple of  'moments' which will no doubt be remembered long after she's gone, and she's also been a wonderful voice on the long running radio programme, 'The News Quiz'. Harriet, I think, has kept more to her role as a newsreader and announcer, a role she has fulfilled professionally and beautifully for many years. The 'Shipping Forecast' really will never be the same again.
To say that the departure of these 2 ladies is a tragedy would be to overstate things, but they will be sorely missed. Unlike the egregious bunch of television presenters who all seem to see newsreading as merely the first step on a ladder to celebrity status, these 2 stuck close to their roots and were all the better for it.
Farewell, Dear Ladies; your headlines will never be forgotten.

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