Saturday, 28 July 2012


Thank God the ludicrous nonsense of the opening is now over and we can get on with the Games.

Inevitably the media, in pariticular the BBC, has come out in whole-hearted support of the overblown tripe that was served up last night. The BBC, of course, has a vested interest in lauding this rubbish given that it is broadcasting every last moment of the Olympic extravaganza, but why every other outlet seems also to have fallen prey to the jingoistic euphoria defeats me.

This once great country of ours now has little to celebrate, at least in its modern guise. Being reduced to a parachuting Queen accompanied by James Bond, and David Beckham driving a speedboat along the Thames says more about modern Britain than anything else possibly could. We are a country obsessed with trivia and celebrity.

What the rest of the world made of this drivel is anyones' guess. Kenneth Branagh pretending to be I K Brunel reading Shakespeare made little if any sense and a horde of dancing nurses and bouncing patients was a pretty poor representation of the real state of our NHS. What little I saw of this supposed spectacle left me cringeing with national embarrassment.

Let's hope that our athletes can redeem us with some genuinely great performances.

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