Friday, 2 December 2011


The furore over Jeremy Clarkson's recent comments is yet another indictment of the BBC and its management.

Clarkson is a character of little talent, but who has made a career out of playing the fool. His 'Top Gear' programme is nothing more than an opportunity for him and his colleagues to behave like spoilt children, being alternately puerile, rude and offensive. No vaguely intelligent person can possibly enjoy watching this drivel, nor will actually do so.

Regardless of the inanity of Clarkson's performances, many people do watch and, apparently, enjoy, his efforts;.no doubt, these are the same people who are addicted to 'Soaps' and 'Reality' shows. Consequently, he has a substantial following of people who have made him very wealthy; he now believes that he can do and say pretty much anything he likes, and get away with it.

Sadly for him, his recent comments have come to the attention of more intelligent voices, people who probably don't hang on his every word and don't giggle at his schoolboy antics and humour. These people have complained in large numbers about his words and both he and the BBC have been forced to issue apologies. For the BBC, this is another embarrassment and for Clarkson it should be terminal.

Not long ago, the BBC was forced to take action after two other morons, Ross and Brand, offended decency on the radio, and Clarkson has been in hot water over his remarks more than once before. It seems, however, that the Corporation has failed to learn from these events, as it's said that the producers of the programme, 'The One Show' (a stupid title, indeed), were well aware of what Clarkson was going to say. Some now argue that all the man did was to behave like himself and what is the problem in that ? In answer, I would say "Everything !", and that, knowing what he's like, he should be sat upon, heavily.

Apparently, Clarkson is a close friend of the Prime Minister; if this is true, I genuinely despair. We all know that Cameron is not exactly the brightest tool in the box, but for him to associate closely with a committed moron like Clarkson would surely be beyond the pale.

The BBC has got it wrong, again, and someone should be fired. Clarkson being Clarkson, is a shocking waste of tax-payers money and he should be exiled to some commercial channel where his puerile drivel is more suited. If Cameron and Clarkson are, indeed, close friends, one has to have serious doubts about the Prime Ministers judgement, again.

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